After learning the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, we acted out the poem.....
We then talked about "putting Humpty together again" and discovered that it really couldn't be done! So we challenged that students to "be scientists" and come up with a way to save Humpty Dumpty when he falls off the wall again.
The students were put into groups of 4 and asked to make one thing as a group, that would save Humpty Dumpty when he fell off the wall again. 
The students were given: cotton balls, tissue paper, popsicle sticks, glue, tape, string, syrofoam cups, scissors, paper plates and they could request to use anything else in the classroom to create something to save Humpty.
GROUP #1: Team Trampoline
This group decided to build a trampoline and place it in the middle of cotton ball plate to add extra padding.
GROUP #2: Team Olaf
This team decided build a slide at first, but struggled with attaching it to Humpty's wall. They then worked together to build a block contraption with a cup in the middle to catch Humpty. They talked about adding cotton balls inside the cup to make it soft so he wouldn't break as well they added popsicle sticks on either side of the blocks to "push" Humpty back in if he starts to fall out.
GROUP #3: Team Humpty Dumpty
This team decided to make a plate filled with cotton balls to make a soft landing and put Humpty Dumpty in a cup. After thinking it through, they realized that they needed to put soft stuff in the cup as well as tape over the cup opening so he wouldn`t fall out when he fell.
GROUP #4: Team Ninja Turtle
This team decided to each make their own cotton ball plate that they would stack in front of the wall. The top plate also had cups to catch Humpty Dumpty when he fell.
GROUP #5: Team Frog
This team decided to create a slide for Humpty Dumpty to slide down and land onto a cotton ball filled plate.
Test #1: Team Frog: They tested their contraption and Humpty Dumpty flew through the tube, bounced off the plate and onto the floor.
After their observations, Team Frog decided that for Test #2, they would add cup to the edge of the plate to catch Humpty Dumpty when he rolled down the slide
Test #1: Team Ninja Turtle: Humpty fell into the cup...Success!
Test #1: Team Humpty Dumpty: Humpty was taped into the cup and when he fell off the wall he was totally protected....Success!
Test #1: Team Trampoline: Humpty missed the cup trampoline and landed on the edge of the plate with little cotton balls and cracked. The team observed a problem and decided to move the cup closer to the wall and add more cotton balls to the plate for Test #2.
Test #1: Team Olaf: Humpty fell and was caught by the popsicle sticks and landed into the cup, unfortunately when he fell, he hit the hard wooden block first and cracked. Team Olaf decided to add lots of cotton balls to the top of the wooden blocks to make them softer.
Test #2
Team Frog made their changes to catch Humpty at the edge of the plate..... and was successful!!!
Team Trampoline made the changes they wanted and were successful!!
Team Olaf added more cotton balls onto the wood to make the surface softer, but the egg hit the edge of the popsicle sticks and fell out of the cup. So for Test #3, they moved the popsicle sticks back to the far edge of the cup so it would prevent Humpty from falling out and they proved that the third time is a charm... Success!!!
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