Sunday, 28 September 2014

A week of colour discovery - September 22-26, 2014

Our Week Of Colour Discovery

Throughout the week we learned songs for each colour and learned how to spell the colour words. We created a special rainbow treat to eat on our Friday Rainbow Day by adding new layers of jello each day to our pan (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). Our students learned that their our three primary colours that magically mix together to create 3 different secondary colours. The students worked together to create a canvas for our art studio to remind them which colours are primary (red, yellow, blue) and which colours are secondary (orange, green, purple)

 On Tuesday, we asked all students to wear red and yellow and throughout the day, we invited each student to our art studio to discover the "magic" that these 2 primary colours can make.

They discovered that when they added corn starch to their colours, the colours got lighter.

"I made a light orange by adding some red, lots of yellow and then some corn starch." Ella


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