Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Scientists in the Classroom visit

Scientists In the Classroom
A Scientist came to our school so we could learn all about Insects!
Station #1: The students learned how insects camouflage so that they do not get eaten by their prey. They also got to make their own butterfly to camouflage into a background of their choice.

Station #2: The students got to build their own insects and learned all the parts that insects have and where they are on their bodies: Head, thorax, abdomen, 2 eyes, 6 legs, 2 antennae

Station #3: The students got up close with some real insects and learned the different stages that some insects go through and which habitats some insects prefer.

Station #4: The students got to examine real specimens of insects and decide whether it was a true insect (6 legs, head, thorax, abdomen) or not.

Station #5: The students got to have first hand experiences pretending to be insects:
-wear fly eyes to experience how flies see
- suck red water through pipettes to experience how mosquitoes suck blood
- use a party favour as a pretend proboscis to drink nectar from a flower like a butterfly


Daffodil Time

We had brought in real daffodils and then a photo of daffodils and the students tried different mediums and many different times to create their best daffodil picture.